You will age. You will not always be young and vibrant. You will one day see wrinkles in the mirror, gray hair on your head and the pace of your step may slow. Hopefully, you will have wisdom when you speak and understanding when you were once tempted to judge. Your hands may shake, and your thoughts may come slowly. When that day comes, you will not feel old on the inside. You are still you. But others perceive you differently. You may feel you are no longer of value and are tossed aside. Your words are not valued, and your presence is an obligation. You don’t fit in, but you don’t fit out either. You may have difficulty finding your place in a world where you once kept the pace. So I would say to you now as I am in that season of my life. I have seen the spring and the newness there of. Summer and the sunshine it brings. The autumn harvest and the feeling of growth. I am now entering the winter of my life, and I say to you, young person, Do not throw your life away. Make wise decisions and listen to those who have gone before.
Value the input of those who have been where you are. They know the mistakes that can be made, and their guidance can help you grow and mature. Treat older people with the respect they deserve. They have lived long and have wisdom and blessings to share. Value their time with you on earth, for it won’t be long before they're gone. And remember, you will be in their shoes one day. Treat them as you would want to be treated. They love your energy and can relate to you. Listen and give them your time. Their talents and dreams have not diminished with age. They can still sing, dance, play instruments, cook, clean, teach, preach, encourage, laugh, lead, and guide. They may still have hopes and dreams that have not yet been accomplished, but they may be achieved through you and the wisdom you can gain from them. Open your heart, your spirit, and your mind to the opportunities found in the wisdom they carry. Yesterday is gone, today will fade away, and tomorrow will take you into a season you know nothing of. Be prepared. Author Kathleen VonSeggern
With much prayer and consideration and after eight years of posting a monthly (sometimes biweekly) blog I have decided to longer post on a regular basis.
Moving Forward: My web-site will continue with a blog and or pod-cast being posted periodically. My social media platforms, such as FB, instagram, and Pinterest will announce when this happens. I will continue to plan and schedule conferences as the Lord leads. I will be teaching in-person and online Bible-based classes. My writing will continue as the Lord leads. If you have been blessed and received from my Blogs or Podcast, please look for my book to be released in the summer of 2024. Entitled Jewels of the Kingdom. Discovering the treasure hidden within the word of God for you and the treasure you are to Him. More information will be shared on this at a later date. If you are interested in being put on an email list for events or future post please contact me and leave me your email address. If you would like me and my team to come to your community for an event please reach out on our contact page. Kathleen As we come to the close of another year, my prayer for you is that you will not leave this year the same way you came in. I truly believe our future will look different as we leave the things of the past behind, such as old mindsets, grudges, pride, and behaviors that are not pleasing to God.
The Israelites roamed around in the wilderness for forty years on what was supposed to be an eleven-day journey. Therefore, their thinking, complaining, and actions held them captive so that they roamed around in a continuous circle. Never able to move forward. What we choose to carry into the next year can hold us captive or set us free. God wants to do something new in 2024. And as we ask Him to help us change our thoughts, life, actions, and words, He will draw us closer to Him. For many, the hopes and dreams within your heart have been simmering for years. But God wants to remove what has held you captive. So that what has been hidden within your heart will overflow. People will drink from your overflowing cup of God’s love everywhere you go because your heart has been positioned in the place with Him. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 Thanksgiving in Heaven
Kathy VonSeggern 11/25/21 Thanksgiving in heaven, I don’t know what it’s like But I’m sure that the angels, sing with delight I’m sure there’s thanksgiving everyday of the year and oh what joy when a new loved one appears While feasting at the table, in place with the King I can only imagine the joy it brings But while still on earth, our loved ones we miss Yet peaceful in knowing, with Jesus they rest. There’s no tears in heaven, or so I’ve been told but here on the earth, many tears seem to flow Missing our loved ones, who have gone on before Someday we will see them, at heaven’s door Dedicated to my Mom Ruth Lovell. Who went home to be with the Lord on August 2, 2021 |